Pest management in Turmeric
Turmeric, Curcumba longa
Turmeric, a vital spice to say it is more than just a spice that is used in your daily curry, It holds a immense importance as a medicinal plant, a ancient remedy for diseases and more it holds it importance all around the world. The crop that is extensively grown for its rhizomes has it’s challenges in cultivation in dealing with pests. Effective pest management is must for growing healthy plants but also ensures the sustainability of the farming practice.

Pests of Turmeric
Rhizome fly
The maggots will feed on the rhizome as a result of which yellowing of plants and rotting of rhizomes takes place.
Due to primary injury Dead heart occur
Invasion of fungus can cause the rhizomes to rot Management
Field sanitisation should be done by removing the debris and infected plant to avoid spreading to other healthy plants

Traps : Can use traps such as yellow sticky traps to attract the insect and capture the adults

Spray methyl parathion 50 EC
Soak seed rhizomes in dimethoate 30 EC
Shoot borer
The caterpillar enters into aerial stem and kill the central shoot which cause the appearance of dead heart
The larvae feed of pseudo stems cause yellowing and drying
The frass is oozed out from the bore-hole of the stem this is the symptom of infestation
Severe infestation can lead to the death of the plant

Destroy the infested shoots and destroy them
Light traps can be set @1 /acre can attract and trap the insect adults
Neem oils sprayed 0.5%

Release of parasitoids Trichogramma to target the egg of the shoot borer
Rhizome scale
Adult feed on sap, the rhizome become shrunken
At initial stages, white coloured scales are scattered on rhizomes
At severe cases rhizome buds shrivel and dries

Drench soil with dimethoate 30 EC
Soak seed rhizomes in insecticide solution
Apply poultry manure when earthing up the soil
Bihar hairy caterpillar
Young larvae feed on under surface of the leaves cause defoliation
Only the stem is left behind in the severe cases
The leaves will have a appearance of web

Field sanitisation should be done by removing the infested plant to avoid spreading
Light trap can be kept the capture the adults
Apply chlorpyriphos 20 EC @ 1.5 l/ha
Leaf roller
Leaves become folded or rolled longitudinally
Defoliation of the complete leaves

Spray carbaryl 0.1%
Pest management in turmeric cultivation involves combining various strategies to manage the pest affecting the crop. This managing can also be done with the IPM techniques which can be effective and harmless to the environment. By checking regularly and early acting can be effective for the pest management promoting the sustainability of the Turmeric cultivation. With proper planning and execution the pest can be controlled and quality of the turmeric be increased.