Pest management in Sunflower
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are not only admired for their striking beauty and nutritional benefits but also for their role in sustainable agriculture. As a versatile crop, sunflowers are grown for their seeds, oil, and as ornamental plants. However, like any other crop, sunflowers are susceptible to various pests that can significantly affect their yield and quality.
Capitulum borer (Head borer): Helicoverpa armigera
Symptoms of damage:
The larva feeds on the developing seeds and bore the head Fungal developed and head starts rotting
The larva consumes leaf in early stage of growth and move towards the capitulum and tunnel the head
Capitulum borer boring sunflower capitulum
Identification of the pest:
Egg: Spherical in shape and creamy white in colour, laid singly
Larva: Shows colour variation from greenish to brown. It has dark brown, grey lines on the body with lateral white lines and also has dark and pale bands
Pupa: Brown in colour, occurs in soil, leaf, pod and crop debris
Adult: Light pale brownish yellow stout moth. The forewings are olive green to pale brown with a dark brown circular spot in the centre. Hind wings are pale smoky white with a broad blackish outer margin
Grow inter crops like, green gram, black gram, groundnut, soybean
Sow 3-4 lines of maize (or) jowar around the sunflower crop to monitor the moth Sow trap crops like marigold at 50 plants/acre
Use of pheromone traps (4 traps/acre) for pest intensity identification as well as to trap the male moths
Setting of light traps (1 light trap/5 acre) to know the range of pest incidence as well as to kill moth population
Release predators like coccinellids, Chrysoperla carnea @1larva/ head
Release parasitoides like Trichogramma spp.@ 20,000/acre, (Bracon spp., Campoletis spp) Spray HaNPV 250 LE + Bt @0.5kg/ha for effective control
Spray HaNPV 250 LE/ha +1 kg Jaggery + 200ml Sandovit (or) Teepal; mixing and spray in the evening hours only
Spraying of 5% Neem oil or 5% Neem Seed Kernal extract before egg laying
Sunflowers, with their cheerful faces, are unfortunately susceptible to the capitulum borer. This villainous moth larva feasts on developing seeds, boring into the sunflower's head and causing rot. Not only does it attack the heart of the flower, but it also devours leaves in its early stages. Thankfully, there are ways to combat this pest without resorting to harsh chemicals. Planting intercrops like green gram or marigolds disrupts the borer's habitat, while pheromone traps lure male moths away from the precious sunflowers.