Pest management in Potato
Potato, Solanum tuberosum Potatoes are stable crop in worldwide, at times ago it’s one of the major food source and it’s been. When the potato word is heard many things would be running in the minds, many foods have been created using the potato and it’s one of the loved things to eat. But they are also susceptible to diseases, damage of pests that can reduce the yield and quality. Here we can see some of the management that can reduce the pest from damaging the plants that can help the cultivars to cultivate the potato healthy

Pest in Potato
Potato Tuber moth:
Larvae tunnels into foliage, tubers, stem
In tubers galleries are formed
It is field and storage pest
Healthy tubers should be selected
Pheromone traps can be installed at 15/ha
Spray Bacillus thuringiensis at 1kg/ha
Intercrop with onion and chillies

Black cut worm
Epidermis of the leaves are feed by the young larvae
Damage tubers
Older larvae feed by cutting the stems of young plants
Light trap is set at 1/ha
Pheromone trap @ 12/ha
Spray chlorpyriphos 20 EC @1 lit/ ha
White grub
Feeds on root and tubers
Holotrichla sp
Summer ploughing can be done to expose pupae
Dust quinalphos 5% @ 25kg/ha
Light trap @ 1/ha can be installed
Tobacco caterpillar
Young larvae feed and scrape the leaves
Complete damage of leaves is done that result in poor growth of the plant
Spodoptera litura
Ploughing exposes pupae
Pheromone trap @ 15/ha
Spray NPV @ 150/ha

Green leaf hopper
Affected leaves tips become brown
turn upwards and get dried up
Empoasca kerri
Spray dimethoate 30EC- 2 ml/lit
Spray phosphomidon -2 ml/lit
Effective pest management in potato need combining many strategies and practices, by integrating practices farmers can cultivate a healthy potato and reduce the pest and diseases caused by them. Implementation of the practical strategies help in maintaining the sustainability and get higher yields for the farmers.