Disease management in Nutmeg
Nutmeg, myristica fragrans Hoult.
Nutmeg a valuable spice crop, growing nutmeg can be incredibly rewarding but as other crops it also comes with some challenges. Diseases that can impact the quality, health and yield of the plant. So, how can the diseases be prevented and get a good harvest and maintain a healthy plant. For doing this understanding of the problem is important so, here are some information’s about the diseases their symptoms and management practices that is carried on.

Major diseases of Nutmeg
Leaf spot and shot hole
Initial symptoms are sunken spots surrounded by yellow halo
Central portion of the necrotic region drops and appear shot hole
Mature branches are observed with dieback symptoms
Drying of leaves is seen in young seedling

It is caused by Collectotrichum gloeosporoides
Bordeaux mixture 1% is sprayed
Two to three times during rainy seasons

Fruit rot
Water soaked lesions can be seen in the fruits
The tissues become discoloured
Premature splitting and rotting of seed are some main symptoms of this disease
The internal tissues are rotten
The growth of the organism in fallen fruits

It is caused by Collectotrichum gloeosporioides & Botryodiplodia theobromae
Spraying 1% Bordeaux mixture can control the disease
Managing of disease in nutmeg requires a integrated approach, this can be implemented by maintaining a clean environment and proper sanitation, taking care and regular examining of the plant is important for the cultivation of nutmeg. Early act of disease can be good in managing the disease and cultivating a healthy nutmeg.