Whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci) are a major threat to cotton crops as they feed on plant sap, leading to significant damage. They also transmit diseases like Cotton Leaf Curl Virus (CLCuV), causing severe yield losses. Cotton farmers use integrated pest management (IPM) strategies involving cultural practices, biological controls, and targeted insecticides to manage whitefly populations and protect crop health.

Whiteflies in cotton cause yellowing and curling of leaves by feeding on plant sap, weakening the plants significantly. Their excretion of sticky honeydew on leaves promotes the growth of black sooty mold, which further hinders photosynthesis and overall plant health. Severe infestations can result in premature leaf drop, leading to reduced vigor and lower crop yields. Early detection through vigilant monitoring and prompt implementation of control measures are essential to mitigate whitefly damage and preserve the health of cotton crops.

Preventive measures
To prevent whitefly infestations in cotton, farmers can implement effective strategies. Crop rotation with non-host plants disrupts the whitefly life cycle and decreases their numbers over time. Reflective mulches or aluminum-coated plastic can disorient whiteflies, making it harder for them to land and feed on cotton plants. Sticky traps strategically placed in fields help monitor whitefly populations by capturing adult insects. Additionally, biological control methods such as introducing natural enemies like predatory insects or parasitic wasps provide sustainable management of whiteflies, reducing reliance on chemical insecticides and supporting environmentally friendly practices in cotton farming.
Chemical control
Voliam Flexi is a pesticide that combines Chlorantraniliprole and Thiamethoxam. Chlorantraniliprole affects insects by causing paralysis and death, while Thiamethoxam is absorbed by plants and deters insect feeding. Applied at 80-100 ml per acre, it effectively controls a wide range of pests, especially lepidopterans, with long-lasting effects that reduce the need for frequent applications in agriculture.

Confidor insecticide is made of Imidacloprid 200 SL (17.8 % w/w) is the most powerful insecticide against a wide variety of pests.It is easy to apply, safe to plants and also compatible with other insecticides. It provides long lasting protection keeping crop safe for weeks or even for a month.The recommended dosage is 0.5 ml/lit of water for spraying (or) 100ml per acre.

Actara insecticide is one of the fast eliminating insecticide of sucking and chewing pests,by stoping damage to crop before it is started in crop.It reduces the chance of pest resurgence. Thiamethoxam 25% WG will disrupts the nerve transmission, which leads to paralysis and ultimately death of the pest.The dosage recommendation 0.5 gm/Lit of water or 100gms in 200Lit of water per acre.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you. By this information you can effectively manage the problems caused by whiteflies using above chemcials. To get all kinds of information related to crops visit our website https://khethari.com / or give missed call to 6301876413.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only and it should not be considered as any financial or legal advice. The watchers are adviced to do their own research before making any kind of decision.