Leaf miners are tiny insects that pose significant challenges to tomato plants. They belong to various insect families such as moths, flies, and beetles. The feeding activity disrupts the plant's ability to photosynthesize effectively, potentially reducing fruit production. Additionally, the presence of leaf miners can affect the appearance and marketability of tomatoes. Managing leaf miners in tomato cultivation involves employing diverse strategies such as altering agricultural practices, utilizing natural predators of leaf miners, and occasionally applying targeted insecticides to mitigate their impact on plant health and yield.

Leaf miners are tiny insects that tunnel through tomato plant leaves, leaving winding trails or blotchy patches. These tunnels disrupt the plant's ability to make food, making leaves look irregular or see-through where the larvae have eaten. This can weaken the plant, causing leaves to wilt and reducing how much fruit it produces.

Chemical control
Caldan insecticide is made by Cartap Hydrochloride 50% SP that works through systemic and contact methods, as well as by stomach action. It belonging to the nereistoxin analogue group, and effectively eliminates caterpillars. Provides long-lasting effectiveness against all stages of insects. It can also be used in combination with other insecticides and fungicides. The recommended dosage is 1.3 to 1.5gm/lit water.

Keefun Insecticide formulated with 15% EC Tolfenpyrad, is highly effective against sucking pests like thrips. Its broad-spectrum action includes an anti-feeding mechanism that halts feeding upon contact, ensuring comprehensive protection across various pest life stages. To use, mix 2 ml of the insecticide per liter of water and apply as a spray on crops.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you. By this information you can effectively manage the problems caused by leaf miner using above chemcials. To get all kinds of information related to crops visit our website https://khethari.com / or give missed call to 6301876413.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only and it should not be considered as any financial or legal advice. The watchers are adviced to do their own research before making any kind of decision.