Thrips are small, slim insects belonging to the order Thysanoptera. They're commonly found in crops like chilli peppers (Capsicum spp.) and cause damage by piercing plant tissues and feeding on cell contents. This leads to twisted leaves, stunted growth, and lower yields in chilli plants. Signs of thrips include silvery leaves and buds falling early. Effective management is key to reducing thrips damage and ensuring healthy chilli pepper crops.
Infested leaves exhibit crinkling and curling upwards, accompanied by elongated petioles. Buds become brittle and drop prematurely. In early stages of infestation, growth is stunted, flower production is reduced, and fruit set is hindered.

Preventive measures
Rotate crops to break thrips' life cycle and reduce their numbers.
Check plants regularly for early signs of thrips, like shiny leaves or damaged buds.
Use reflective mulch to discourage thrips from settling on plants.
Consider natural predators or insecticides to manage thrips effectively and maintain healthy chilli peppers.
Chemical control
Aaatank insecticide was made of carbosulfan 25%EC. It is the world renowned insecticide of carbonate group. It is systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. The recommended dosage is 2.5ml/Liter water (or) 400ml/acre spray.

Confidor insecticide is made of Imidacloprid 200 SL (17.8 % w/w) is the most powerful insecticide against a wide variety of pests.It is easy to apply, safe to plants and also compatible with other insecticides. The recommended dosage is 0.5 ml/lit of water for spraying (or) 100ml per acre.

Acemain insecticide containing Acephate 75% SP, is a versatile organophosphate insecticide highly effective against severe infestations of chewing and sucking insects.It has low toxicity to mammals and does not harm beneficial insects. Being water-soluble, Acemain is easy to use and offers broad-spectrum systemic control. The recommended dosage is 2gms/lit.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you. By this information you can effectively manage the problems caused by thrips using any of these above chemicals. To get all kinds of information related to crops visit our website https://khethari.com / or give missed call to 6301876413.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only and it should not be considered as any financial or legal advice. The watchers are adviced to do their own research before making any kind of decision.