Stemborer in rice are the most prevalent pests in paddy fields. It is commonly known as silent killer of the paddy field as it causes 80% yield loss if it is not managed properly during early stages. Male and female moths exhibit difference in their size. Female moths have black spots over their body, whereas it is absent in male parts. Moths lay eggs that will hatch into larvae, it undergoes pupation ultimately adult moths emerges.

Symptoms of Stemborer in Rice
Cluster of brown-colored eggs near the tip of the leaves is the primary indicator of stemborer infestation. Larvae will penetrate into the central shoot resulting in drying of shoot causing dead heart. In adult plants it causes drying of panicle which is known as white ear.

Preventive Measures
Applying of neem seed kernel extract /neem oil is one of the most effective preventive measures
Before transplantation clipping of the affected seedling tips must be done. So, the egg masses will be removed.
Use quality insecticides This unique mode of action helps in managing resistance in insects that have developed resistance to other types of insecticides, contributing to its effectiveness in integrated pest management strategies.
When used responsibly and in accordance with label instructions, it will not cause stunted growth or other adverse effects on crops.
Chemical Control for Stemborer in Rice
Karate is the widely used insecticide which controls broad spectrum of insect pests. Lambda Cyhalothrin 5 % EC will disturb their nervous system, causing paralysis and ultimately death of the pest. It comes in different forms for easy application but should be used carefully to protect the environment and also insects which are beneficial. The recommended dosage is 200ml/HLW.

Jump Insecticide, based on Fipronil, is a phenyl pyrazole insecticide known for its broad-spectrum effectiveness against pests like termites, stem borers, leaf folders, and thrips. It acts primarily through ingestion, disrupting nerve impulse transmission in pests' central nervous systems. This action provides rapid and efficient pest control, offering longer-lasting crop protection. Applied via foliar spray, it facilitates direct nutrient absorption into the plant's vascular system, ensuring visible results. The recommended dosage is 60gms/acre.

Ampligo is the most famous and well-Known insecticide brand which is the combination of Chlorantraniliprole 9.3% + Lambda Cyhalothrin 4.6% ZC provides effective control against insect pests. Due to its unique Zeon technology, it provides long lasting protection and minimizes the feeding damage and economic loss. The recommended dosage is 80ml/acre.

Voliam Flexi Insecticide is a powerful solution for crops, combining Chlorantraniliprole and Thiamethoxam. Chlorantraniliprole paralyzes insects by affecting their muscle cells, while Thiamethoxam quickly spreads through plants to deter insect feeding, including pollen. It offers effective control against a wide range of pests through soil drenching or foliar spraying, making it a reliable choice for integrated pest management in agriculture.

The broader variety of insecticides can be used for stem borer in rice for better management of pest. We hope this information will be useful to you. To get any information related to crops visit our website https://khethari.com / or give missed call to 6301876413.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only and it should not be considered as any financial or legal advice. The watchers are adviced to do their own research before making any kind of decision.