Panicle mites are minute arthropods that infest rice crop by targeting the developing panicles. They feeding on plant sap and causes stunted growth, hindered grain filling, and reduced the yields. This kind of pest is more problematic during the reproductive stages of rice, affects both quantity and quality of the harvested grain.

Discoloration of leaf sheaths is most common symptom.
Appearance of Brown blotches on leaves of the plant.
Deformed grains are observed at severe infestation.
Parrot-beaking of grains is observed.

Chemical control
Abacin insecticide is made of Abamectin 1.9% EC. It will act as contact and stomach poison action. It will give long-duration protection. It does not mix with other pesticides. It is effective against range of insects and mites by disrupting nervous systems which leading to paralysis and eventual death. The recommended dosage is 1ml per 1litre of water/150ml for 200litre water per acre.

Curacron is insecticide which contains Profenofos 50% EC. It is quick in action, providing an immediate knock-down effect. Curacron Insecticide is compatible with all existing plant protection chemicals available in the market except alkaline formulations.It is also used as an acaricide giving excellent control of mites on a variety of crops. The recommended dosage is 2.3 to 4 ml/ Lit of water.

Alanto is the insecticide which belongs to the class neonicotinoid. Thiacloprid 21.7% SC will provide the systemic protection to plants through its absorption from plant and transformed through the plant tissue, by protecting against pests. It is stable even under the heavy rains and sunlight providing longer persistence due to its rain fastness property. The recommended dosage is 200ml/acre.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you. By this information you can effectively manage the problems caused by panicle mite using any of the above insecticide.To get all kinds of information related to crops visit our website https://khethari.com / or give missed call to 6301876413.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only and it should not be considered as any financial or legal advice. The watchers are adviced to do their own research before making any kind of decision.