The Paddy Gall Midge, is an insect pest that attacks paddy crops. It poses a significant threat to rice crops in many parts of India, causing severe damage to yield and quality.Pest is found at irrigated conditions during the tillering stage of the rice crop. Cloudy or rainy weather favors the population density of the rice gall midge. These pests are orange-colored, mosquito-like flies that undergo several developmental stages, including egg, larva, pupa, and adult.

Formation of galls or swellings on the stem, caused by larvae or nymphs feeding on inner tissues. Onion leaf or silver shoot symptoms, a common sign of infestation. Infested tillers fail to produce panicles. Stunted growth of rice plants can also result from Paddy Gall Midge infestation.

Preventive measures
Planting early helps avoid peak midge activity, reducing the risk of infestation. Choosing rice varieties resistant to midges strengthens crop resilience. Keeping fields clean by removing weeds and crop residues reduces midge breeding sites. Proper water management disrupts the midge life cycle, providing effective pest control while reducing the need for chemicals. These strategies combined can effectively manage paddy gall midge threats and maintain crop health.
Chemical control:
Karate is the widely used insecticide which controls broad spectrum of insect pests. Lambda Cyhalothrin 5 % EC will disturb their nervous system, causing paralysis and ultimately death of the pest. It comes in different forms for easy application but should be used carefully to protect the environment and also insects which are beneficial. The recommended dosage is 2ml/Lit of water.

We hope that this information will be helpful to you. By this information you can effectively manage the problems caused by paddy gall midge using any of these insecticides. To get all kinds of information related to crops visit our website https://khethari.com / or give missed call to 6301876413.
The information provided here is for educational purposes only and it should not be considered as any financial or legal advice. The watchers are adviced to do their own research before making any kind of decision.