About Product
- Sencor herbicide 70 WP is a selective herbicide which effectively controls weeds in wheat, potato, soybean, tomato and sugarcane. It is a pre-emergent herbicide and can also be applied as early post. It has broad spectrum control of both grasses and broad-leaf weeds.
Sencor herbicide Technical Content
- Metribuzin 70 WP (70% w/w)
- It effectively controls Phalaris minor, which has developed resistance to most of the herbicides in addition to many other grasses and broad leaf weeds
- Sencor acts through the roots and leaves and therefore, can be used for both pre and post emergence applications
- Sencor is economical because of its broad spectrum activity and low dose
- No residual effect on succeeding crop
Mode of Action :
Selective systemic herbicide, absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by the leaves, with translocation in the xylem. It inhibits photosynthesis. It acts on both grasses and broad leaf weeds.
Recommendations for Use:
Knapsack sprayer fitted with flat fan nozzle is recommended.
Crops |
Weeds |
Time of Application |
Dosage/Hectare |
Waiting Period (days) |
a.i. |
Formu-lation |
Water |
Sugarcane |
Cyperusrotundus Cynoadondactylon Asfodelusfistulosis Chenopodium album Convolvulus arvensis Portulacaoleracea Anagalisarvensis Cichoriumintybus Echinochloacolonum Dactylocteniumaegyptium Partheiumhysterophorus Commelina spp. |
Pre-emergence at first field capacity condition for 3-5 days after planting. OR Post-emergence 25-30 days after planting |
1.05-2 1.05-1.4 |
1.5-3.0 1.5-2.0 |
750 - 1000 750 - 1000 |
60 60 |
Potato |
Chenopodium album Trianthemamonogyna Partheniumhysterophorus Fumariaparviflora Melilotus spp. Phalaris minor |
Pre-emergence at field capacity 3-4 days after planting. OR Post-emergence between emergence and time when the first potato plant has reached height of 5 cm. |
0.525 |
0.750 |
750 - 1000 |
30 |
Tomato |
Trianthemaportulacastrum Dactyloctoniumaegyptium Amaranthusviridis Gynandropsispentaphylla Portulacaoleracea Digeraarvensis Euphorbia frustratea Echinochloacolonum Ageratusconyzoides Eleusineindica Setariaglauca Commelinabenghalensis |
Pre-planting a week before transplanting OR Post-planting 15 days after transplanting |
0.525 |
0.750 |
750 - 1000 |
30 |
Wheat |
Phalaris minor Chenopodium album Melilotus spp. |
Post-emergence 35 days after sowing of crop. |
Medium soil -0.175 Heavy soil - 0.21 |
0.250 0.30 |
500 - 750 |
120 |
Soybean |
Digitaria spp., Cyperusesculentus, Cyperuscampestris, Borreria spp. Eragrostis spp. |
Pre-emergence 1-2 days after sowing |
0.525 |
0.500 -0.750 |
750 - 1000 |
30 |
Product features
Product features
Materials and care
Materials and care
Merchandising tips
Merchandising tips