
Red gram, also known as pigeonpea, arhar, or tur, is a perennial legume that has been cultivated in South Asia for at least 3,500 years. It is a staple food in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, and is a major source of protein for vegetarians.

Red Gram field

Common disease of Red gram:



Leaves initially pale, loose their turgidity, droop down and finally results in large scale withering .

Gradual or sudden wilting from bottom to top is observed.

Entire plant wilts or dies within a few days.

The disease incidence occurs in patches in the field.

Dark streaks are seen when the bark of stem below the soil level and tap root are removed.

The affected stem exhibit vascular browning indicating xylem plugging with mycelia



Seed treatment with talc formulation of T. Viride @ 4g or P. Fluorescens @ 10 g/kg Carbendazim or Thiram @ 2 g/kg

Basal soil application of neem cake @ 150 Kg/ ha

Soil application of P. Fluorescens or T. viride@ 2.5 Kg / ha + 50 Kg of well decomposed FYM or sand at 30 days after sowing.

Tricho Power

Spot drenching with Carbendazim @ 1 gm/ litre.



Initially small necrotic spots appear on the leaves, and these gradually increase in and form characteristic lesions with dark and light brown concentric ring with a wavy purple margin.

As infection progresses, the lesions coalesce and cause blighting of leaves The disease is mostly confined to older leaves in adult plants, but may infect new leaves of young plants, particularly in the post rainy-season.



The disease is spread by airborne conidia. Remove the infected plant debris and destroy.

Spray Mancozeb 2 kg or Carbendazim 500 g/ha soon after the appearance of symptom and repeat after a fortnight.




It is an Oidiopsis type of powdery mildew in which the mycelium is endophytic. 

The affected leaf shows powdery patches on the lower surface corresponding with yellowing on the upper surface.

Usually older leaves show symptom first.

There will be premature defoliation of affected leaves.



Plant in sunny areas as much as possible, provide good air circulation, and avoid applying excess fertilizer. A good alternative is to use a slow-release fertilizer.Overhead sprinkling may help reduce powdery mildew because spores are washed off the plant.

Sterility Mosaic Disease (SMD): Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus (PPSMV)


The affected plants are stunted due to shortening of internodes.

The auxiliary buds are stimulated to grow and the branches are crowded at the top giving bushy appearance.

Mainly three types of symptoms are associated viz. severe mosaic in leaflets with complete sterility , mild mosaic with partial sterility and ring spots characterized by a green island surrounded by a chlorotic halo.

Sterility Mosaic Disease


Rouging out infected plants up to 40 days after sowing.

Spraying with Fenazaquin @ 1 ml/ litre soon after appearance of the disease and if necessary repeat after 15 days

Dry Root Rot


The disease occurs both in young seedlings and droping and premature defoliation.

The discolored area later turns black and death of plants occur.

The infected plants can be easily pulled out due to the rotting of the rroots 

Minute dark sclerotia are seen in the shredded bark (collar region and root). 

Large number of brown dots on the stem portion represent the pycnidial stage. 

Prolong dry weather or drought followed by irrigation or rain favours this disease build up.

Dry Root Rot


Seed treatment with talc formulation of T. viride @ 4g or P. fluorescens @ 1g/kg seed (or) Carbendazim or Thiram @ 2g/kgNeem cake @ 150 Kg/ha Soil application of P. fluorescens or T. viride@ 2.5 Kg / ha + 50 Kg of well decomposed FYM or sand at 30 days after sowing.Spot drenching with Carbendazim @ 1 gm/ litre

AZOSPI POWER (AZOSPIRILLUM)-Best for all crops - Khethari


Cultural Practices

Crop Rotation: Rotate red gram with non-leguminous crops to break the disease cycle.

Field Sanitation: Remove and destroy infected plant debris to reduce pathogen inoculum in the field.

Sowing Time: Adjust sowing dates to avoid peak periods of disease incidence.

Spacing: Maintain appropriate plant spacing to ensure good air circulation, reducing humidity and disease spread.

Resistant Varieties

Cultivar Selection: Plant disease-resistant or tolerant varieties of red gram to minimize disease impact.

Seed Treatment: Use certified disease-free seeds and treat them with appropriate fungicides or bioagents before sowing.

Biological Control

Bioagents: Use biological control agents like Trichoderma spp., Pseudomonas fluorescens, and Bacillus subtilis to suppress soilborne pathogens.

Bacillus spp.

Natural Enemies: Encourage natural predators and parasitoids that can help control pest populations.

Chemical Control

Fungicides and Insecticides: Apply fungicides and insecticides judiciously, following recommended doses and timing to control severe disease outbreaks.

Avoid Overuse: Prevent the overuse of chemicals to avoid resistance development and environmental.


Effective management in red gram which increases yield.which includes cultural activities and chemical activities.Effective management of red gram (pigeon pea) diseases involves an integrated approach that combines cultural, biological, and chemical methods.


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